How long will the relationship last? A quick quiz to find out how long you'll be together.
It's hard to know if something will last forever, but psychology and relationship research has studied signs of bonds that are likely last.
Want to know if you've met the right person and how long you'll be together? Answer these questions together and find out what science says about the durability of your relationship.
1. Are you and your partner comfortable talking about your feelings, being close and trusting?
2.Do you and your partner accept each other as you are? Without trying to influence the other to change the other one's behavior?
3. Can you consider your partner to be your best friend?
4. When there are disagreements, can you communicate with respect?
5. Can you and your partner share your passwords for social networking sites?
6. Do your friends and family consider you and your partner to have a good relationship?
7. Do you and your partner usually talk about "we" and "us" rather than "you" and "I"?
8. Do you usually do household chores together?
9. Do you both feel the same way about having children?
10. Do you share the same blanket?
11. Do you have a relationship free of jealousy and infidelity?
12. When you don't have sex everyday, do you see it as normal?
13. Can you both consider yourselves emotionally stable ?
14. Would you sacrifice some of your plans for your partner?
15. Do you share opinions about politics, religion, food and marriage?
Majority of Yes
You will be together for more than five years. The success and durability of couple relationships depend, above all, on mutual trust and feeling of security that both feel. The psychologist and researcher Sternberg decided to study the components of love. He identified intimacy, passion, and commitment as the pillars of a successful relationship. According to your answers, you seem to have all the prongs of the so-called Stenberg triangle.
Congratulations, you have found true love: a combination of intimacy, passion, and the ability to compromise.
Majority of No
You'll be together for a maximum of two years (and you'll enjoy it a lot). Recent research from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine shows that romantic love lasts about 28 months and intense infatuation lasts a year and a half. After that, the heart stops skipping a beat when a message arrives. If there is no compatibility around a joint project, the relationship will likely end after that time. There is nothing wrong with that. Every relationship initially goes through the stage of the famous infatuation, characterized by intensity and shallowness. With time and in the best-case scenario, the situation should change to the opposite: a deeper bond that inevitably decreases the intensity.
You will be together for a maximum of 7 years. Throughout a relationship, couples may feel less sexual attraction to each other over time. This makes couples less satisfied. So many couples will break up after the so-called seven-year crisis. But those who overcome these crises experience an improvement in the following years. Remember that it is normal to experience drops in relationship satisfaction, especially over time. So, if you feel your relationship can last longer, you need to have little more realistic expectations and a little more spice.